Monday, August 11, 2008

Up for Nothing - We're Singing Our Last Breath...

Brooklyn punks Up for Nothing's first full length CD "We're Singing Our Last Breath..." on Winter Street Records is a throwback to a time before the word 'emo' existed, or at least before it meant 'whiny melodic music by theater kids who never got laid in high school.' Up for Nothing prove that just because you can sing a melody and carry a harmony you are not relegated to singing songs about being picked on and having a broken heart. Up for Nothing play fast, positive punk with melodic lyrics, driven by straight up power chords and quick tempo'd drum work. "We're Singing Our Last Breath..." reminds me of when I could enjoy a band on the warped tour, when I was youthful and when I really loved music. These kids (well early 20s) really put their all into the music and their enthusiasm shines throughout the CD. I find myself with a cold beer in hand, on a rainy night grinning, drinking and singing. Zero to Sixty is a stand out among the thirteen tracks, a powerfully driven pop punk anthem that drops out after the bridge into a raucous gang chorus. The album is complemented with two slower acoustical tracks (The New Years Eve and the Last Rope...) that showcase the quality of the vocals this band is capable of. Guest appearance by NY Hardcore legend Ernie Parada (Token Entry) round out the youthful angst with grounded anger.