Thursday, July 10, 2008

Confront - What Have We Become (EP)

Boston's Confront's aggressive style continues to walk the line between 80's Boston Hardcore and Spirit of '96 punk rock. Their upcoming release "What Have We Become" due out July 19, 2008 on Lude Boy Records is six songs of guitar driven anthems of growing up in a city and a world that push its outcasts aside. Steve Young's songwriting has grown and portrays a longing and loathing for his home that hasn't been properly portrayed since Rob Lind and Blood for Blood released Serenity. The band has grown musically as well, the track "This world" is a Biohazard influenced anthem lamenting a world gone wrong and promises to draw blood at live shows. Confront's CD release show is an all ages affair at 1pm on Saturday July 19 at the Middle East Upstairs in Cambridge, MA.

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